TPW Robot

When The Plastics Workshop identified a need for fast reliable cutting and trimming of their thermoformed parts, the decision was simple, acquire a robot which would give them repeatable precision in cutting and trimming.

'The decision to expand our existing equipment to include a cutting and trimming robotic machine, was a no brainer' said Greg Lubbe, of The Plastics Workshop. Commissioning the robot has given The Plastics Workshop the ability of supplying product into the Motor, Aircraft, Rail, and Hygiene Services sector with confidence knowing that uniformity and precision in cut and trim of product can be reliably repeated, no matter how big the quantity.

In addition to the above our existing production staff is gainfully employed concentrating on their core competencies, leaving the robot to cut and trim, this benefit has enabled The Plastics Workshop in becoming more competitive and respected as a quality supplier, this decision has already given us additional work.

How can we assist you in taking your product to the market, please give us a call, we are at your service.

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